Monday, May 4, 2009

Asian Salad

Hello all. Lynsey here. Derek hasn't updated his site in awhile, so I thought I'd write a little something about a salad we made yesterday. I was inspired to make this salad by a drug-rep lunch we had at work several months ago. I wish I could remember who catered it, because it was good! So anyway, I've been wanting to try to recreate it for a while now, and I have to say, this was pretty darn close. 
Ingredients were as such:
Mandarin oranges
Asian accents- almond slivers, rice noodles and sesame sticks
Asian ginger dressing
grilled chicken
sesame seeds

The strawberries weren't part of the original salad, but I thought it needed something extra, and I had these on hand. It mingled well with the rest of the ingredients. If you're into wasabi, I thought wasabi peas would be a good extra as well, just didn't have any on hand. Let me know what you think! (Sorry I didn't take a picture of the finished salad- but it was beautiful and delicious!)


The Adkins Family said...


I really like your blog... wish you posted more! I've tried a few of your recipes... good stuff man.

Derek said...

Thanks Greg, I will post more soon. I don't know why I haven't lately, I guess I haven't made anything in awhile that I thought was worth writing about. Luckily, Lynsey is there to pick up the slack.